Craig Depree
Principal Scientist
Craig joined DairyNZ in 2018 as a freshwater scientist and is currently a Principal Scientist - Freshwater. Within the organisation he provides leadership about the science DairyNZ delivers, supporting farmers to understand the impacts of farming on freshwater and the on-farm actions that can be taken to improve. He also represents dairy farmers by providing expert evidence and advocating for practical and achievable science-based outcomes in regional plan change processes, national freshwater policy, and at the Environment Court.
Craig is inspired by making a positive impact on the dairy sector. “The primary sector is the engine room of the NZ economy. We have an important role to play in improving biodiversity and water quality outcomes.” He also values his role in influencing how the dairy sector can respond to national and regional policy.
“For me, success will be the public seeing ribbons of native plantings around pastoral streams and know that those streams are providing a habitat for aquatic and terrestrial wildlife,” says Craig. “We are making progress on this journey and being a part of that is one of the cool things about my job.”
Craig completed a Bachelor and Master of Science, and a PhD at Waikato University, all in chemistry. After joining NIWA in 2000 he became involved in a wide range of environmental projects. In addition to his work helping farmers to reduce the loss of contaminants to waterways he is excited by the opportunities for the sector to significantly improve freshwater health through riparian planting. He is passionate about helping the industry to find the right balance between productive land use, and biodiversity and the environment.