Business Plan
2 min read
A business plan organises your ideas for your dairy farm, creating a roadmap for success. This page reveals that businesses with a plan perform better, as it aligns everyone, identifies opportunities, and avoids problems. The process involves assessing your current situation, considering options, setting priorities, and tracking progress. While the business manager leads the plan, everyone contributes, maintaining focus and building credibility. Your plan should answer critical questions about your farm's purpose, status, ambitions, strategies, and success indicators. Regularly update your plan to adapt to changing circumstances. Guidance is provided to create a comprehensive plan, including vision statements, goals, and actions.
Writing a business plan helps you organise your thoughts and map out the road to where you want to take your business.
Research shows that businesses with a business plan perform better than those without.
Writing a business plan helps you organise your thoughts and map out the road to where you want to take your business. An effective business plan lays the blueprint for future business success. A business plan:
Business planning challenges you to think through your ideas and identify possible issues and opportunities.
The business manager is responsible for the business plan, but good plans are contributed to by staff and advisers, overseen by directors, trustees and owners; reviewed by financiers, and implemented by staff, so all pull in the same direction
At least annually, because no situation stays the same for long; your business will face new challenges and opportunities over the years which is why it’s essential you regularly review and update your business plan.
Create a business plan suitable for sharing with your bank, potential investors, business partners, farm advisory team or staff.
Need help creating your vision statements and goals and actions for your business plan? Use the interactive QuickPlan tool to select from examples or create your own.
Starting afresh or revisiting your business planning? Create your vision, assess your situation, set goals and actions; and plan your succession and governance.