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Total results 4

  • Employee onboarding is the process of helping new employees settle into their roles to ensure a positive start to their employment. This page outlines a comprehensive step-by-step guide for dairy farmers to follow.


    5 min read

  • Insights into finding and keeping good people

    Like many sectors in New Zealand, dairy faces the ongoing challenge of attracting and retaining good people. Understanding both what employees are looking for and current labour market trends is essential when creating a job in your business.


    3 min read

    Insights into finding and keeping good people

    Like many sectors in New Zealand, dairy faces the ongoing challenge of attracting and retaining good people. Understanding both what employees are looking for and current labour market trends is essential when creating a job in your business.


    3 min read

  • The hiring process

    Are you looking to hire a new employee? Having a well-planned recruitment and selection process is the first step towards finding the right person to fit into your team.


    10 min read

    The hiring process

    Are you looking to hire a new employee? Having a well-planned recruitment and selection process is the first step towards finding the right person to fit into your team.


    10 min read

  • Immigration

    Employing staff from overseas on your dairy farm involves complying with New Zealand's latest immigration rules and regulations.


    3 min read


    Employing staff from overseas on your dairy farm involves complying with New Zealand's latest immigration rules and regulations.


    3 min read