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Total results 5

  • Business ownership opportunities

    The nature and scale of many dairy farming businesses is changing and there are many self-employed business opportunities available for individuals and partnerships.


    2 min read

    Business ownership opportunities

    The nature and scale of many dairy farming businesses is changing and there are many self-employed business opportunities available for individuals and partnerships.


    2 min read

  • Contract milking

    A contract milker is a self-employed farmer, managing the property and paid on a negotiated price per kilogram of milksolids (kgMS) produced. Learn more about the considerations, advantages and skills required for this type of business ownership.


    4 min read

    Contract milking

    A contract milker is a self-employed farmer, managing the property and paid on a negotiated price per kilogram of milksolids (kgMS) produced. Learn more about the considerations, advantages and skills required for this type of business ownership.


    4 min read

  • Sharemilking

    Sharemilkers are responsible for operating the farm on behalf of the farm owner. They don’t own the land but split milk income and expenses with the owner. There are two types of sharemilking agreements, herd owning and variable order.


    8 min read


    Sharemilkers are responsible for operating the farm on behalf of the farm owner. They don’t own the land but split milk income and expenses with the owner. There are two types of sharemilking agreements, herd owning and variable order.


    8 min read

  • Equity partnerships

    Equity partnerships in the dairy sector offer opportunities to take an ownership stake in a farm business to accelerate your progression in the sector.


    3 min read

    Equity partnerships

    Equity partnerships in the dairy sector offer opportunities to take an ownership stake in a farm business to accelerate your progression in the sector.


    3 min read

  • Leasing land

    Leasing dairy land refers to an agreement where you (the lessee), pay the farm owner (the lessor) for the use of land, buildings, and infrastructure for dairy farming. The lease payment is a monthly or annual fee that is periodically reviewed.


    5 min read

    Leasing land

    Leasing dairy land refers to an agreement where you (the lessee), pay the farm owner (the lessor) for the use of land, buildings, and infrastructure for dairy farming. The lease payment is a monthly or annual fee that is periodically reviewed.


    5 min read