Mastitis Investigation Kit
The SmartSAMM Mastitis Investigation Kit (the Kit) provides a resource that professional advisors can use to gather information during a full mastitis investigation.
The Kit contains checklist and recording sheets for use during farm visits as well as the Investigation Master Sheet to help collate, interpret and prioritise information, and develop a workable plan for the farm.
The Kit consists of:
Section A: Investigation Master Sheet: To coordinate the investigation and formulate a plan of action
Sections B to M: The 12 recording sheets to gather and interpret relevant information.
Additional Information:
Technote 13 - Seek professional advice if problems exist. This technote describes how the Kit can be used.
Note: A new Kit is recommended for each investigation. In its current format, it needs to be printed and completed by hand.
For best results, print to A4 paper, double-sided, or to A3 paper, in booklet format.
DairyNZ acknowledges the Dairy Australia Countdown Programme for the original source material for the Kit, which is based on the Countdown Mastitis Investigation Pack.